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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: [ɡlin] 英式发音: [ɡliːn]


网络释义:拾落穗;拾麦穗;拾遗第三人称单数:gleans  现在分词:gleaning  过去式:gleaned  



v.1.to learn small pieces of information by asking questions or watching or listening carefully2.to pick up small amounts of the crops left in a field after they have been cut and collected by the farmer

1.拾落穗 ... glauconite 海绿石 gleaning 拾落穗 gleba 基体 ...

2.拾麦穗 麦垛 ,grain stack 拾麦穗 ,gleaning 林荫道 ,avenue ...

3.拾遗表面进行空中捕食(aerial feeding)或拾遗捕食(gleaning)。

5.拾穗农作物被弃於田间。本国很多地方组织自发召集义工展开拾穗 (gleaning) 行动,收集那些遗弃田间的新鲜农作物,将之分配给 …

6.啄食啄食 (gleaning)啄食是一种捕捉昆虫的方式, 鸟用喙将昆虫自茎、 叶、 树干、 及其他表面捡取昆虫。


1.So she kept close to the young women of Boaz, gleaning until the end of the barley and wheat harvests. And she lived with her mother-in-law.于是路得与波阿斯的使女常在一处拾取麦穗,直到收完了大麦和小麦。路得仍与婆婆同住。

2.The bank is also gleaning knowledge from other corporations that invest in green solutions.银行还向其他投资于绿色解决方案的公司取经。

3.She kept herself swathed in heavy robes to prevent others from gleaning insights from her movements.她把自己紧裹在一件厚厚的长袍里,以防他人窥探她的肢体动作。

4.NEW YORK - Gleaning stem cells from cloned monkey embryos, as a team of Oregon researchers has done, is an impressive step.纽约电——从克隆猴的胚胎中获取干细胞给人的印象非常深刻。俄勒冈州的一个科学家小组就是这样来提取干细胞的。

5.Be responsible for sorting, gleaning and filing various training materials, including books, materials, tapes, videos, disks, etc.负责整理、搜集和保管各种培训资料,包括:书籍、资料、影带、光碟等。

6.A wide variety of approaches is available for scanning content in the hope of gleaning more compelling and deeper insights.有各种各样的方法可用于扫描内容,以期得到更加深入的见解。

7.He frequents museums all over the world gleaning tips from ancient cultures such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.他经常去全世界的博物馆,领会古老文化像希腊,罗马、埃及的精髓。

8.Gleaning free insights from the digital channel does not stop at the web, however.然而,从数字频道上搜集免费见解并不局限在网上。

9.Traditionally, BP has steered clear of gleaning petroleum products from the oil sands in North America's frozen north.传统上,BP一贯避免从加拿大的含油砂中提炼石油产品。

10."This is a doorway to an entire new ecosystem of self-monitoring and gleaning health information about yourself, " said Dr. Brandeis.“这是一种自我监控和收集自身健康信息的全新生态途径。”Brandeis教授说。
