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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: ['ɡlifəlɪ] 英式发音: ['ɡli:fəlɪ]







1.愉快地 ... intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves 令神经高度紧张或极受刺激的 gleefully 愉快地 high wind 强风 ...

2.欢快的 456.outrun sb: 跑过某人 457.gleefully: 欢快的 458.little snarky there: 有点毛病多 ...



1.He told me how much he loved going to the Palo Alto bike store and gleefully realizing he could afford to buy the best bike there.他跟我说过自己最到帕洛奥托的单车店逛逛,心里得意地想:这里最好的单车我也买得起。

2.As I near 40 (when you're considered middle-aged and everyone seems to gleefully call you ma'am), I need some of that adventurous mojo back.当我将近四十岁之时(被认为是中年而每个人似乎都很乐意叫你太太的时候),我需要那种冒险的精神再度回到我的身上。

3.he smiled gleefully and delightedly , bowing to the little princess as though she were an intimate friend , and went up to the aunt.他欢快地微微一笑,像对亲密的朋友那样,向身材矮小的公爵夫人鞠躬行礼,接着便向姑母面前走去。

4.Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air.他们踮着脚尖走过过道,偷偷观察乐观主义者,他正快乐地将马粪抛向空中。

5.One was an e-mail forwarded to me gleefully by a dozen different people around the world.其中之一,是十几个散布在世界各地的人开心地转发给我一封电邮。

6.As Barbara Boxer, an environmentally-minded senator from California, stated gleefully, "This decision puts the wind at our back. "就像来在加利福尼亚的一个有环保思想的议员所说的“这个决定把thewind放在了我们的背上”。

7."I got another one! " he shouted gleefully, clapping his hands as another nest tumbled to the ground.“又中了!”又一个鸟巢翻滚落地时,他高兴得一边拍手一边喊。

8.Officials have now leapt gleefully upon the British government's criticism of their use during recent rioting in England.在英国最近暴乱期间,英国政府对社交网络的使用进行了批评,现在中国官员就幸灾乐祸地借题发挥。

9.None of this is to say that movies with exploding robots or gleefully malicious pirates shouldn't be made.说到这里,我并不是说不应该拍摄有变形机器人、海盗狂欢情节的电影。

10.Wisconsin's Republican governor, Scott Walker, welcomed the Illinois tax hike gleefully, inviting businesses to move across the border.威斯康星洲共和党州长斯科特沃克(ScottWalker)对伊利诺伊州赋税的增加非常欢迎,鼓励企业跨越州界到威斯康星洲做生意。
