东方之光 伯鹤 歌词
东方之光(The Light of the East)
作词Lyricist:齐遥(Yao Qi)
作曲Composer:伯鹤(He Bo)
演唱Soprano::伯鹤(He Bo)
出品人、总策划Producer、Chief Planner:孙宝东(BaoDong Sun)
声乐指导 Vocal Coach:董文华(WenHua Dong)
编曲Music Arranger:刘琦(Qi Liu)
管弦乐Orchestra:亚洲爱乐乐团(Asian Philharmonic Orchestra)
书法题字Calligrapher:毛广淞(GuangSong Mao )
出品单位Production Unit:闪到有限公司(ShanDao Limited Company )、北京闪到文化中心(Beijing ShanDao Cultural Center )、鹤鹤有名(北京)品牌管理有限公司(HeHeYouMing(Beijing)Brand Management Limited Company)
制作人Producer:孙宝东(BaoDong Sun)
录音Recording Engineer:富尧
混音Mixing Engineer:99 Studio录音棚
合唱统筹chorus coordination :伯大伟
发行公司Issuing Company:珈华音乐集团(Jiahua Music Group)
项目统筹Project Coordinator:孙宝东(BaoDong Sun)
监制Deputy Executive Producer:孙国玉
总监制 Chief Executive Producer:孙宝东(BaoDong Sun)
OP:闪到有限公司(ShanDao Limited Company )
SP:北京闪到文化中心(Beijing ShanDao Cultural Center )
闪电划破夜空Lightning flashed across the night sky.
信仰的火焰点燃黎明The flame of faith ignites the dawn.
高举镰刀铁锤Raise the sickle and the hammer.
党旗上写满青春赤诚The Party flag is full of youth and sincerity.
热血在沸腾The blood is boiling.
你为暗夜播下光明You sow light for the night.
你是领路人You are the guide.
誓言写在天地中The oath is written in heaven and earth.
披荆斩棘Cut through the thorns.
民族浴火重生The nation was reborn from the ashes.
华夏的河山China's rivers and mountains
镌刻你的光荣Engrave your glory.
前赴后继的铁血征程The Iron-blooded Journey of Advancing Successively
每一步都写满你的英名Every step is written with your name.
旗帜由你高擎The flag is held high by you.
染红了朝霞迎着东风Dyeing the morning glow, facing the east wind.
人民就是江山The people are rivers and mountains.
坚定的语言掷地有声The firm language is loud.
东方的故事The story of the East
历史是最好的见证History is the best witness
你是掌舵人You're at the helm
激流险滩也从容Torrents and dangerous shoals are also leisurely.
扬帆远航Set sail for a long voyage
迎来民族复兴Welcome the national rejuvenation
如今的东方The East today
正是旭日初升It's the rising sun.
意气风发的中国人民The high-spirited Chinese people
永远铭记你的伟绩丰功Always remember your great achievements
扬帆远航Set sail for a long voyage
迎来民族复兴Welcome the national rejuvenation
如今的东方The East today
正是旭日初升It's the rising sun.
意气风发的中国人民The high-spirited Chinese people
永远铭记你的伟绩丰功Always remember your great achievements