Jesu,JoyOfMan’sDesiring SarahBrightman 歌词
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring - Sarah Brightman (莎拉·布莱曼)
Jesu joy of man's desiring
耶稣 万福喜乐的泉源
Holy wisdom love most bright
圣洁睿智 爱总充满光芒
Drawn by thee our souls aspiring
被你牵引 我们的灵魂渴望着
Soar to uncreated light
Word of God our flesh that fashioned
上帝之道 塑造了我们的肉体
With the fire of life impassioned
我们带着生命之火 慷慨激昂
Striving still to truth unknown
继续奋斗 挖掘未知的真相
Soaring dying 'round Thy throne
翱翔天际 长眠在你的宝座旁